Nelson Buddhist Centre

Upcoming Events

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Todays Events

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6 p.m.

Evening Meditation

7 p.m.

Buddhist View

The Nelson Buddhist Centre can be found at 11 Buxton Square (on the first floor.)


This website will steadily be updated with news of events and practice sessions. Keep coming back for more announcements.


Members access to the centre "out of hours" is limited to office hours. Then use the keypad for entry as usual.



Become a Member

Please consider becoming a member of NBC and support the centre.

Mindfulness & Meditation Training

Weekly, each Tuesday, until 2028-01-14

Join us every Tuesday for guided mindfulness and meditation practices.

Taking Refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

March 24th; 7:15pm

The Refuge Ceremony given by Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche

Khandro Trinlay Chodon Teachings in Nelson

March 25th – 27th

A Shower of Blessings – A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer by Mipham Rinpoche