Nelson Buddhist Centre


Sun February 23rd, Sun March 2nd
2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit) is said to be the essence of the speech of all the buddhas and the incarnation of their compassion. We develop the enlightened quality of compassion through Chenrezig practice and mantra recitation as well as by compassionate conduct toward all beings.

After three years in meditation retreat, Rinpoche is returning to Nelson to give talks and teachings. 2025 will be a year when he will be travelling here and overseas so these sessions will be rare opportunities to meet with Rinpoche, benefit from his insights and understanding and be able to engage with him directly.

Enquiries: [email protected]


By Donation.

Your generosity supports Rinpoche and the activities of the Nelson Buddhist Centre.


Nelson Buddhist Centre and Online with Zoom
11 Buxton Square, Nelson

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Meeting ID: 886 5544 2909
Passcode: dharma