Nelson Buddhist Centre

A Guide to the Way of Life of a Bodhisattva

Sun February 2nd
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

On Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2:30pm - 5:30pm on Zoom, Rinpoche will be competing his teaching on A Guide to the Way of Life of a Bodhisattva. These teachings have been indispensable for those wishing to cultivate bodhicitta (the heart of awakening) and follow in the footsteps of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Rinpoche is inviting everyone to join in with this final teaching, whether or not you have been a part of this study over the last three years. It will focus on dedication of the merit which has accumulated during this three-year study and practice. This will be a most auspicious occasion and not to be missed.


To mark the completion of this 3-year cycle of teachings you may wish to make an offering to the teacher, Rinpoche, in appreciation of the wisdom and clarifications he has shared. Rinpoche never asks for money as a way to access the teachings so no one needs to feel excluded because of that. However, he does need our support.

Please give as generously as you can.


Keith – [email protected]

Jane – [email protected]

Alan or Annette – [email protected]

Dorien – [email protected]

Anywhere else
Keith – [email protected]


On line only